This is a post from my facebook page from December of 2009. It's an old post but it still has a lot of meaning to me and every word still holds true so I wanted to share it with you.
I noticed something a while ago and I just now thought of it again so I want to share it.
Last year was a rough year for me. I battled lonliness and depression alot. One day when I was driving I started thinking of all the people that God placed into my life and as I started to thank God for them by name I realized how long of a list it was. I walked away from that moment so encouraged and feeling so thankful. It was truly an amazing moment. And I challenge you to do the same in your life. Think of all the people in your life, all the people who are a blessing to you and care for you, then thank God for them by name. You will be blessed.
I am very very thankful for the many awesome and amazing people God has put into my life. I have so many people who love me, who care about me, who I can go to for help and encouragement. This is for you.
To you,
To all of the people who are in and have been in my life, thank you.
You have taken the time to invest into my life,
Have taken time to talk to me and discuss things with me even though I often forget to take time to invest in you.
For this I am sorry.
I have forgotten you, taken you for granted, and overlooked you.
I have forgotten to pray for you when I know you have often fervently prayed for me.
I have often called myself alone and lonely as if you didn't count,
And I have been wrong.
So I take this time, this moment, to let you know how much I appreciate you.
You have shown me love, kindness, compassion, and forgiveness.
You are there for me when I need you most,
I know that I can go to you in times of need.
You are a constant source of encouragement.
You are always there to ask me how I'm doing,
To pry just the right amount,
To make me smile, to make me laugh.
You have encouraged me, challenged me, guided me, blessed me,
And though you may not know, you have impacted my life.
This is my thanks to all of you. I love you. I thank my God for you.
I appreciate you and all you have done for me.
I want to be here for you.
I want to be an encouragement to you,
To show you the love you have shown me,
To pray for you, to let you know,
How thankful I am for you, and how much I care.
Philippians 1:3-5 "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making requests with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now."
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