I got an e-mail from my friend Lisa the other day and she said something that got me thinking. This is the excerpt that spawned this post.
"I'm so thankful for God's patience with me. I've been able to see it more clearly with my students. Even with them, I feel like I am so clear on what I want them to do, It's a reminder about how God is so clear with us. I mean, just yesterday I had to tell a boy to stop running with scissors in the classroom and I had to tell a little girl to not hide under her desk especially during class. I was like, "Do I really have to tell you this?" But it's so awesome to think about how God deals with me everyday."
God is very clear on what He wants from us yet we so often He has to get our attention in the things that should be obvious. Why do we make obviously unwise choices? We see our friends and family all around us do things and make decisions that make us think "what are you thinking". Its so obvious to see it in others live but yet so difficult to see in our own. People may not have to tell us to stop running with scissors and hiding under our desks yet we have to regularly be reminded of things like do your devotions, read your Bible, why don't you pray about it, talk to God, the Bible is very clear about this issue or that situation. It's not that we don't know these things, because we do. It is more like some strange form of memory loss. The Bible says "If any man lacks wisdom let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally..." God is right there with what we need ready to give it to us. The problem is that we get so distracted that we forget to go to Him with our problems, struggles, difficulties, worries, concerns, joys, decisions, etc. I Peter 5:7 says, "Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you."
What do you constantly have to be reminded of? Is God trying to get your attention in an area of your life? Why not ask Him if He is.
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